
Fairfax Motherhood Baby Photographer | Melissa & Lily

I first met mama Melissa and sweet Lily last year for a family session - it was such a joy to see them again! So much has changed! When I saw her last year, Lily was an adorable baby girl, and now she's a full grown toddler - running around and letting her mind be known. Not to mention, Melissa is now due with baby number two! I loved getting to document Melissa's pregnancy before Lily becomes a big sister. It was wonderful to see them both again, early congratulations to the entire family!

Here are some of my favorite images from our session together - enjoy!

dress for mama borrowed from the studio wardrobe

Kate Juliet Photography specializes in natural maternity, newborn, and family portraiture in the Washington DC and Northern VA area.
Contact me to begin planning your custom portrait experience.

Lindsey & Caroline | Washington DC Motherhood Baby Photographer

Sometimes I get to meet the happiest babies ever and it just makes my day. I was so thrilled to meet Lindsey and baby Caroline for this year's Motherhood Event. This was the first time I met the both of them and I'm so glad I had the opportunity. They met me at the studio that morning and were a complete joy. Full of smiles and giggles. I cannot get over Caroline's gorgeous blue eyes and contagious smile. She and her beautiful mama were stunning.

Here are some of my favorite images from our session together - Enjoy!

mama & baby wardrobe borrowed from the studio

Kate Juliet Photography specializes in natural maternity, newborn, baby, and family portraiture in the Washington DC and Northern VA area.
Contact me to begin planning your custom portrait experience.

2016 Motherhood Event First Look | Washington DC Baby Photographer

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of celebrating Mother's Day the best way I know how: by photographing mothers and their babies.

The event was filled with faces new and old; babies I haven't seen since they were itty bitty, and new babies & mothers who I got to meet for the first time. It was such a wonderful day, and I loved every moment of it. 

It's so important to me that mothers exist in photos with their children, so this event hit close to my heart. I cannot wait to share more from this special day with you all. 

Until then, here are some of my favorite images from the 2016 Motherhood Event - enjoy!

Kate Juliet Photography specializes in natural maternity, newborn, and family portraiture in the Washington DC and Northern VA area.
Contact me to begin planning your custom portrait experience.

Sweet Baby Girl | Alexandria VA Family Baby Photographer

Cutie Pie! That's pretty much all I can think when I see sweet Genevieve's face. She is just beyond adorable, it kind of makes me want to have babies until I have a baby girl just as cute as she is... which is a pretty tall order and I'm not sure my ovaries could handle it.

The weaknesses of my ovaries aside, this sweet family was such a joy to work with. They are so kind and lovely. We met on a day with the most fantastic weather and beautiful light, it all came together perfectly for their session.

Here are some of my favorite images from our session together - enjoy!

Where are you? | Washington DC Baby Photographer

So, I have a question for you today:
Where are you?

Not how are you, but where.

And I don't mean what county your booty is sitting in right now. I mean, in your photos, where are you?

Are you even in them?

It's easy to get caught up in taking the photos. Trust me, I know. I do it too.
You can have fun taking photos of everyone you love without worrying what your hair looks like,
or that your top fits a little funny, or that you haven't lost weight yet.

And you may even feel like since you're the one running around taking photos all the time, surely you must be in some of them too, right?

Let's do a quick experiment. Take a minute right now to scroll through your most recent photos. Count how many photo you're in.

Go do it (really, go!), I'll wait. Don't mind me while I hum the Jeopardy theme music...

So how many photos are you in? Did you even make into the double digits? And of those, how many are selfies taken from the exact same angle and distance from your iphone?

These are the images your children will have to look back on. Are they enough?

Give them something to look back on. Give them images that bring back memories. That tell stories.
That show how much you love them.
